UPC - Universal Product Codes

UPC - Universal Product Codes


UPC's (Universal Product Codes) can be generated in JAS for each item in the JAS style file. A UPC number is a unique identifier for your styles, and are assigned for each individual style, color and size.  A UPC is a 12-digit number, represented by a scannable barcode. The first 6 digits of a UPC are represented by the Manufacturer number, which is registered for each company.
The next 5 digits are unique (and sequential), starting at 00001 and ending with 99999, allowing the manufacturer to create one hundred thousand unique UPC codes.
The last digit is a check digit, which is created by a calculation on the preceding numbers.
This document will show the user how to create, modify and otherwise use UPC codes in JAS.


Assign UPC Numbers

In the main JAS menu, go to:

  • Specialx
  • UpcMenu
  • Processing
  • Assign UPC Numbers
The first time that the user enters this program, a screen will show the MFG# and SEQ#. 

Click "Add New" and Input the 6-digit Vendor UPC number (usually starts with a 0 or 7) for the MFG# and for the SEQ#.

Input the number that the user would like the UPC codes to start at.

If the user is using multiple divisions and/or clothing lines that use different MFG#’s, more numbers can be added to this screen by clicking “Add New”. 

After the user has entered all the MFG#’s that are required, select the MFG# for the line or division for which the UPC codes would be generated for.

Press <Enter> or 'double click' to select it.

Select "Ok."

The user will then be asked  if they wish to generate a UPC number for all sizes.

UPC by Style and Style/Color

(NOTE: All styles without UPC’S are shown on this screen, including inactive styles.  Be aware of which styles are needed before selecting a range of styles or all styles from the browse screen.)

Select the styles for which the user wants to generate UPC #’s for by clicking the check box at the right of the browse screen or by double clicking on the styles. 
The selected styles will appear in a different color on the screen.
Once the selection is finished, press <Esc> or click Proceed at the bottom of that browse screen. 

The user will then be asked if they wish to generate one UPC number for all sizes.

Yes: Will automatically generate one UPC number for each size.

No: Will allow you to generate UPC’s one size at a time.

Cancel: Will exit the process without generating UPC numbers.

In the next screen, the user can notice that when they generate UPC’S, either by Style or Style/Color, they are asked if they want to post to the master file, now or later.  Posting to the master file means that the UPC’s codes that have just been generated will be added to all of the previously generated UPC’s.

If you choose “LATER”, the new UPC’s will go into a temporary file.  This will allow the user to modify, or inquire on only the new records.

If the user chooses “NOW”, the new UPC #’s will post to the master file.

Manual Generation of UPCs

The Manual Entry option is used to enter UPC’s for styles that already had UPC #’s prior to entering the styles in JAS.

 E.x. if the user is converting from another system, or if they are using another UPC generation software. 

The Manual Entry also allows you to generate UPC’s for styles that do not exist in JAS.

If the user wants to enter manual UPC #’s for styles that exist in JAS, check off the “Verify Style” option at the bottom of the screen. 

If this is checked off, the user will not have access to the fields at the top of the screen.  These fields are only used for styles that do not exist in JAS.  To choose a JAS style, select the style from the browse screen or enter the style in the field in the middle of the screen.

The program will automatically default to the next available UPC # in the system. 

The user will be able to accept this number or enter a manual one.

Once ready, click on OK to proceed

Post Last Assigned File

When UPC's are being generated, the user has the choice of posting to the master file, Now or Later. 

If Later is chosen, the new UPC’s will be saved in a temporary file until posted.  Use this option to post the temporary UPC’s to the master file.

When the user chooses to Post the Last Assigned File, the UPC’s from the temporary file will be added to the master file.  The message above will display how many records have been added.

If the user chooses Post Last Assigned File and there are no records in the temporary file to post, the following message will be displayed:


Modify UPC Number

Use this option to modify existing UPC numbers.

Include: Choose Include to work with all UPC’s, including the latest UPC’s assigned, i.e. the UPC’s that have not been added to the master file yet.
Exclude: To work with previously assigned UPC’s, select (E)xclude.  This will exclude the UPC’s that have not been added to the master file.
Only: To work only with the UPC’s you have just generated and have not added to the master file, select (O)nly.
Cancel: Will bring the user back to the main menu.

If Include is chosen and there are no UPC’s in the temporary file, the following message will be displayed:

On the UPC browse screen, there is the option to sort by (S)tyle or (U)PC.
Press <Enter> or double-click on any line where the user wants to change the number that has been automatically generated to the manual number that you want to use.

The MODIFY button will allow the user to modify the highlighted item.

The DELETE button will delete the UPC code. This button should only be used if the user is certain that they wish to delete the UPC code.

Delete Last Assigned File

This option is used to set the path to the different directories used by the UPC programs.  These paths are normally entered when the user starts to use the UPC function and further modification is not usually required.  Your JAS technician or internal IT person will assist you when these fields are to be filled in.

In the main JAS menu, go to:

  • Specialx
  • UpcMenu
  • Maintenance
  • Modify Label/Ticket Control File


UPC Numbers Inquiry

This option is used to inquiry on UPC numbers.

In the main JAS menu, go to:

  • Specialx
  • UpcMenu
  • Inquiry
  • UPC Numbers Inquiry

Once the user has selected the MFG number, as well as whether or not to include the last assigned UPC’s, the following browse screen will appear:
The screen will display all UPC numbers in the system.
Note: The user will not be able to modify or change anything - this screen is for inquiry only. The user can sort by Style or UPC.


UPC Reports

The following program will generate a a report showing the UPC's that are selected in the criteria.

In the main JAS menu, go to:

  • Specialx
  • UpcMenu
  • Reports
  • UPC Reports

Select Styles, Colors and or UPC’s as necessary and click on "Proceed."
Note: The user can also filter by JAS account, select to print the retail price, color description, specific UPCs, or even print only styles in JAS that do not yet have a UPC assigned to them.

A report will be generated, similar to the following:

UPC Labels/Tickets

This option can only be successfully used if the user has an available UPC label format prepared. Contact Jonar support for more information.

In the main JAS menu, go to:

  • Specialx
  • UpcMenu
  • Reports
  • UPC Labels/Tickets

Select the file from which the user wants to print the UPC Labels.
If the Master File is selected, the selection screen is the same as for UPC Reports. 
Select the styles and UPC’s.  Depending on the types of labels that are trying to be set up to use, the list of label types will appear on a browse screen
Selecting Orders will browse open orders and allow the user to print UPC labels for these specific orders.
Selecting PO, Cut Ticket or BIN will print UPC labels based on your JAS Purchase Orders, Cut tickets or BIN locations respectively.
Manual Entry will allow the user to freely select what style/color/size to print UPC labels for, as well as selecting the quantity.

The user can then select the appropriate label format (if several are available)

Depending on previous selections, the screen will display the styles, UPC numbers, prices and label quantity to be printed.  The prices and label quantity can be changed by clicking on the field for each item.

Additional information can be entered at the bottom of the screen before proceeding.

A label will be generated, similar to the following:

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