Style Cut & Sold Calculations

Style Cut & Sold Calculations


The Style Cut and Sold Screen is a very efficient tool allowing users to view the current status of any Style / Color at a glance.



Access the Cut & Sold calculation for Styles on the main JAS menu under

  • "Styles";
  • "Inquiry"; 
  • "Style Inquiry".

Select the style/color and click on the 'Cut/Sold' button at the bottom of the screen.


Below are the definitions of the features of the Cut & Sold function for Styles:




WIP/PO (Work In Process/ Purchase Order)= the total number of units on PO’s and/or Cutting Tickets.


Transit = the total number of units on a Shipment in Transit.


Balance = the difference between WIP/PO and transit values (WIP/PO minus Transit).


Reserved = a space reserved for a modified calculation like Consignment [Optional].


Stock = your Physical Inventory.


Avail (Available)= the number of units available to sell (WIP/PO + Stock).


Orders = the number of units on Customer Orders.


OTS (Open To Sell) = the number of units that can be sold (Avail – Orders).


Alloc (Allocated) = number of units on Picking Tickets.


Shipped = number of units invoiced since the Style was created.


Net Bookings = the net booked (Orders + Shipped)




Season: Since a style can be sold in multiple seasons, if a specific season is entered in this field, the data displayed in the grid will reflect units for that season only.



Divider: All the units in the grid will be divided by the number entered in this field.  The default is 1.



Date: The information in the grid will display for the entered date range only.  The default is blank.



Mixed Dozens: When this option is checked the data in the grid will be divided by 12.



Pack/Mfgunit (Packing/Manufacturing Units): In Style Add / Change – there is a button for Weight and Quantity.  In that screen – there is an option to fill the packing units (pairs / dozens / 10’s, etc.).  If this field shows P for Pack, the units displayed in the grid will represent the number of packing units, not individual units.



Summary by Clr: When this option is checked each color available for the selected style is listed in the grid and the total units are displayed for each color (sum of all sizes).



Immediate: When this option is checked the OTS line in the grid will change to Immed.

The Immed field will calculate as Stock – Orders (WIP is not included in the value).  



Style: When this option is checked the grid will display summarized information for all colors available for the selected style.



By Status: When this option is checked new fields and calculations are added to the grid.

O/S Ord Appr = Units on customer orders that have been approved through the Order Approval Subsystem.

O/S Ord Held = Units on customer orders that are on Hold.

Alloc. Appr = Units on Picking Tickets that have been released but not invoiced.

Alloc. Held = Units on Picking Tickets that are on Hold and have not been invoiced.


Include Issued Amnts: When this option is checked the calculated units in the Stock line will change to include the units issued to cutting tickets via Style within a Style Bill of Materials.


Picture: When this option is checked the picture associated with the selected style/color will display.


Display and Deduct Cut on Hold Amounts: When this option is checked the Reserved field is changed to Resv Hold and will display a calculation of all units that would be issued to Hold status cutting tickets via Style in a Style bill of materials.

Those calculated units are then used in the calculation of the Avail and OTS lines.




History – This button will point to the Style History Journal that will provide a list of all transactions (Invoices, PO’s, Stock Adjustments, Cutting Ticket receivings and Credit Notes) for that style.

Print OTS – Will display the Style OTS (Stock on Hand) report, with pictures and by size.

 Orders – All customer orders associated with the style /color will display regardless of the status (Open, Held, Complete).

WIP – The Cutting Ticket Inquiry screen will display regardless of status.

PO – All open Purchase Orders display.

SPOS – The Style Projected Open- to- Sell will display by size and month.

Exit – Will allow user to exit the screen.

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