SIT Costing

SIT Costing


The following wiki explains how to enter estimate costs for a style, and then modify the information once the shipment and actual invoices for the shipment have been received.


Entering an estimated cost

In the main JAS menu, go to:

  • Styles
  • Maintenance
  • Add/Change

Enter the appropriate style and color.

Click on the "Buy" tab at the bottom of the screen.

Enter the estimates for the appropriate fields.  (Note: These fields originate from the Code File/Cost Purchase.)

Click on "Update".

Actual Cost

Entering Actual Costs if Shipment in Transit is used

In the main JAS menu, go to:

  • P.O.
  • Shipment In Transit Subsystem
  • Processing
  • Create/Modify Shipment

Select "Enter Actual Payment Values".

Enter the appropriate information for each cost, based on the invoices received from your suppliers.

Once the info is entered click on "Update Shipment Costs".


A message will display to inform the user that the shipment costs have been updated. Click on "Ok".

Insert a check mark under "Costing is Complete" and select "Update Act Cost of All styles on Shipment".


This will update the information that was previously entered in the style file.

A report will display similar to the following:

Entering actual cost if PO receipts are used

In the main JAS menu, go to:

  • P.O.
  • Prociessing P.O.'s
  • Purchase Order Recepts

Enter the appropriate PO number.

Click on the "Cost tab".


The user has the option to enter the actual cost information.

Once complete, go back to the quantities tab to fill in the units received.

Click on "Line Update" to accept the changes.

If the user has multiple shipment lines, enter the amount received for the lines and click on "Line Update".

Click on "Post" to receive the PO.

Special options switch to update style actual cost as per PO receipt

In the main JAS menu, go to:

  • Setup
  • Installation Parameters
  • Special Options

Select the "Styles4" tab.

Click on (Y)es to "Update style actual cost with the latest average cost as per PO receipt".

  • If this option is not selected, the actual cost in the style file will not automatically be updated.


In the main JAS menu, go to:

  • Styles
  • Maintenance
  • Add/Change



  • Styles
  • Inquiry
  • Style Inquiry

When the user goes back to the style buy screen, the actual cost will be displayed.


Updating the Actual Cost

Option 1: Recalculate actual cost values

This program calculates the actual costs of goods during a selected time frame.  Rather than taking the cost that is set up in the style file, which is considered an estimate cost, the new recost program will look at the costs of goods when they are received into inventory.

Setting up the special options switch

In the main JAS menu, go to:

  • Setup
  • Installation Parameters
  • Special Options

Select the "Styles2" tab.

Select (Y) to "Allow use of recalculate actual cost program". This will enable the program to be available for the user.

Click on "Update".

Explanation of the recost actual cost values

In the main JAS menu, go to:

  • Styles
  • Processing
  • Recalculate Actual Cost Values

The actual costing program asks for a range of dates, i.e. start date to end date.  This date represents the receiving date in cutting tickets (for make-styles) and purchase orders (for buy styles).


The program will total all the costs for that time period and calculate an average cost for each style, creating an actual cost.

The actual cost will now show up in a new field in the style file.  The field is called Actual Cost for buy styles and Act Cost for make styles.

The actual costing program will also take the invoicing and credit amounts for the same time frame, and recalculate the margins.

Option 2: Recost Styles

In the main JAS menu, go to:

  • Styles
  • Processing
  • Recost Styles

To update all information, leave the styles and seaons blank.

Note: There is a field called "Force Update Even if Material and Sty@Sty Cost is Unchanged." This will force the recalculation even if no change is found. This would be used in the case of a problem with style recosting or a program change that would change all calculations.


Click on "Update".


Several standard reports already have an option to use the Estimate or Actual costs in their calculations. Customized reports or other standard reports can be modified at the customer’s request, for an additional charge. 
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