Step 1: Force File Structure, Reorganize, Reindex in JAS™
Step 2: Purge Temporary Files
Step 3: Disc Clean-Up
Step 4: Disc Defragmenter
The procedures found in this wiki will provide users with the steps that should be followed on a regular basis to help speed up
their computer
systems (server or workstation). Your station will run more efficiently and rapidly if these steps are followed. This
process should be done at least
once every 6 months for the server and once a month for the station.
Since there are multiple steps for this process they should be run AFTER HOURS for the server. There is no need to wait until it is
finished because
it will return to the screen when complete.
Before this process is started all users must exit JAS™.
To verify that all users have exited JAS™ go to:
| |
All computers, that are still logged into JAS™ will be seen here. Click on "Force Relog" to see the current list of on line users. As the users exit JAS™ the names will disappear from this list. Click "Exit". | |
It is also recommended, but not a necessity to Lock JAS™ before starting the process. To do so go to:
| |
Click on the "Lock" button at the bottom of the screen. | |
The operator will have the choice of which data companies are to be locked. Click on the "All Comp." button.
In the upper right corner of the screen the user will see that the system is locked. *Note: Only users with master password access will be able to enter JAS™ while locked. | |
To begin the clean up process in JAS™, go to:
| |
Select the first option on the screen, "Force File Structure, Reorganize, Reindex", by placing a check mark in the selection box. Click the "Proceed" button to continue to the next screen. |
The entire list of database files will be displayed. |
Select ALL database files listed by clicking on the check mark of the last column. Click the "Proceed" button to start the process.
| |
As the process runs, the following screen will be visible. | |
Once the process is completed, click on the "View" log option. | |
The log will resemble this sample. As long as the viewer sees the "TAG" for the files (there are some exceptions), then the process completed.
If the process was incomplete for specific databases the log will display a message similar to the following: "C:\APPS\DATA1\INVLINE.DBF or Structure cannot be opened" This will occur if there is a user in JAS™. Take note of the specific files, have the users exit, and rerun the process for those specific files only.
To purge the files created by the running of the Fix File Structure or Reindex options located under the Utilities menu of JAS go to:
| |
To complete the clean-up of the server run the 3 first options:
Since any of the above can contain multiple files that can be rather large in size, it is important to remove them on a regular basis. |
The Disk Cleanup tool helps you free up space on your hard disk by searching your disk for files that you can safely delete. You can choose to delete some or all of the files, but can safely choose all of them. Use Disk Cleanup to perform any of the following tasks to free up space on your hard disk:
·Remove temporary Internet files.
·Remove downloaded program files.
·Empty the Recycle Bin.
·Remove Windows temporary files.
·Remove optional Windows components that you are not using.
·Remove installed programs that you no longer use.
As mentioned above, this process should be run monthly on all stations as well every six months on the server. The first time this is run may take longer than expected. However, after the first time, this function will be quicker.
To begin the drive clean up go to:
*Note: the location of the Disk Cleanup may differ dependent on the version of Windows. | |
A message will appear, indicating that the program has started verifying which files require a clean-up. |
Select the files to be removed or compressed by placing a check mark in the option on the left. Then click the OK button at the bottom of the screen to proceed.
| |
Click the "Yes" button to start the process. | |
The Disk Cleanup process will begin. Once the process is completed the desktop will display. |
(Note that Server 2003 and newer, can run the "defrag" processes automatically and will not require this manual procedure.)
Disk Defragmenter is a utility in Microsoft Windows designed to increase access speed by rearranging files stored on a disk to occupy contiguous storage locations, a technique called defragmentation. Defragmenting a disk reduces the time it takes to read files from and write files to the disk.
In some cases the user must log into their system as administrator because of restrictions.
This is a very long process and should be run over a weekend period for the server. Overnight for a station almost always is enough time.
To begin go to:
The following screen will display where the process can be started. Click on the "Defragment Now" button. |
As the process runs the screen will show the user how much more needs to be fixed. *Note: Since this can be a very long process it can be stopped at any point and then restarted. When it is restarted there will be less files for it to fix. | |
Once the program is finished an analysis will be provided. Click the "OK" button to exit. |