Procedure for moving JAS to a new server

Procedure for moving JAS to a new server


This document explains the general steps a user should take to move JAS and EDI onto a new server.


Step 1. Copy over files onto the new server

  1. Locate the drive where your JAS is installed on, create the same letter drive as was on the old server to the new server.
  2. Copy the entire JAS folder onto this new server drive.
  3. Check if there are folders on the old server called "aims" or "aimsc", these folders could be located on a different drive than the JAS folders. If there are, it is important that these folders are copied onto the new server. These files can contain essential JAS data.
  4. Change jasmaster.txt to point to the proper location. It should be pointing to the location of JAS. For example, if JAS is in M:\JAS, this is what the jasmaster.txt should be pointing to. All icons on all desktops will continue to function as intended as long as the drive letter and setup are the same as the old server.
  1. When copying the JAS folder, mentioned above, the EDI folder will be copied as well onto the new server.
  2. Check if there are folders on the old server called "aims" or "aimsc". If there are, it is important that these folders are copied onto the new server. Such a folder would contain essential EDI programs.
  3. Change the mailboxes to point to the proper folder.

In EDI go to:
  1. Maintenance
  2. Browse/Update Mailbox

Click on the appropriate mailbox.
Select "Mailbox Variable Settings - 2".

Change the AS2 Inbox & AS2 Outbox to no longer point to the aims directory.

The paths must be changed for all mailboxes that were originally pointing to the AIMS folder.

Once complete, go back to "Mailbox Settings" and select "Update/Exit".

4. Modify the communications software, pointing it to the new path.

In EDI go to:
  • Maintenance
  • EDI Control File

Ensure that the appropriate communications directory is listed.


  1. Copy the JSI directory on to the new server. 
  2. Change jsimaster.txt to point to the proper location. The paths in both jsimaster.txt and jasmaster.txt should point to where the data files are.
  3. Point JSI to the proper data companies. Please refer to the following document on how to change the file paths for JSI and JAS for information on how to do this

Step 2. Install the Crystal Reports software

To be able to print reports/transactions in format versions which use Crystal Reports software, the software has to be set up on the new server. Please refer to this wiki on setting up Crystal Reports software for use in JAS.

Step 3. Install the PDF writer

To be able to print reports/ transactions in PDF form from JAS, the user has to install the PDF writer on the new server. Please refer to these instructions on installing the PDF Writer Printer.

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