Every year prior to issuing your vacation checks, at the end of your vacation year, you should run the 'rollover' function in payroll module. This function will
transfer the amount in the 'Accumulated' (vacation) in the employee master file and add it to the value in the 'Earned' Amount. The Accumulated is reset to
zero to begin calculating for the new year.
1. Do a data backup. Contact your system administrator or technician to confirm how backups are done for your company. |
2. In the main JSI menu go to:
3. Enter the date that corresponds to the LAST date of your payroll vacation year. The option for "Update Vacation Pay" should already be pre-selected. |
4. In the 'Range of Employees' browser, select all employees using the check box to the top right of the screen above the employee names. ALL will |
5. Click 'PROCEED'. |
6. A confirmation window will appear for you to accept before moving on. Select 'No' if you do not wish to proceed at this time. |
7. Select 'Yes' and the value from the employee master file in the 'Accumulated' field for each employee will be zeroed out and the value added to the Select YES. |
These two updated fields are found in the "SALARY Etc" screen in the master employee file. |
This procedure is only for employees for whom vacation is being calculated through the regular payroll posting procedure. This does not apply to
Some vacation years run from May 1 to April 30. If your vacation year does not run from May 1 to April 30, this procedure should only be run following
the LAST pay of your vacation year, and not at this time. For example, if your vacation year ends in July, you would only run this procedure after your last
pay of June. If you pay vacation twice a year, then you should run this procedure twice a year, just prior to the first payroll of the new vacation year.