P.O. - Shipment in Transit Receiving

P.O. - Shipment in Transit Receiving


Once a shipment has been created the receiving module will update the shipment, the PO(s) and the inventory.

Go to:
  1. P.O.
  2. Shipment in Transit Subsystem
  3. Processing
  4. Receive Shipment

Field Definitions
Shipment# - Enter the Shipment number to be received.
Style - Enter a style number to locate all shipments that contain the style.
Status - The shipment status will display; 'O'pen and 'C'omplete.
Ordered - Total quantity of merchandise on the shipment.
Rec. - Total quantity received.
Cancel - Quantities not received.
Open - Quantities that remain to be received.
Ordered - All PO's, Styles and quantities that were placed on the shipment will display.
Rec - By line, the total quantity received.
Entry# - Enter the entry number.
Released - Enter the date the shipment is released from the broker.
Received - Enter the actual date the shipment was received.


Size - The size scale will display for the highlighted style.
In Transit - The quantity on the shipment by style/color/size will display.
To Rec. - The actual quantity to be received by style/color/size.
PO Backorder - Select if the quantities not received will be backordered on the PO.
  1. If this option is not selected, the remaining units will be cancelled.
Location - [Optional Feature] Enter the warehouse, row, level and bin of where the merchandise is to be placed when received (see below for more information).
Rec. Date - Enter the actual date each style/color was received.


If there is a change in the costing at the time of receipt, click on the Cost tab to make the necessary modifications.
This information comes directly from the style Buy tab.


At the time of receiving, you may have more information for each style/color that can be entered on this screen; such as the number of cartons, how many units were packed in each carton (box), and the entry number. 

Button Definitions

Receive Complete Shipment - Click on this button to receive the complete shipment in full. All PO lines associated with this shipment will be received.
Update This Line - Click on this button to receive one line at a time. In the case of partial receipts, you can choose whether or not to backorder the remaining quantities on the PO.
Note: A shipment cannot be backordered because once a shipment comes in, it cannot be received again. To receive the backordered amounts, either receive it through PO Receipts or create a new shipment in transit and receive it.
Exit - Click here to exit the screen.

Once the shipment has been fully received, the status of the shipment will be 'C'omplete. The inventory will be increased by the quantities received and the PO(s) will be updated accordingly. Once the PO(s) is received through the Shipment in Transit module, there is no need to receive the PO separately. In fact, you cannot receive that PO in PO Receipts.


If you are using one of the warehousing features (optional), this function allows the user to place incoming inventory into more than one warehouse and / or into multiple inventory locations. Warehouse history is created and updated by the Shipment In Transit function, Picking Tickets, Inventory Adjustments and Invoicing, as well as various Purchase Order functions.  

To receive merchandise into the warehouse locations through the Shipment in Transit subsystem, the information is filled here.

Once received the inventory will display in the Style Cut&Sold screen, by warehouse, style, color, and size. 

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