Generating a Reverse Purchase Order (855) in EDI

Generating a Reverse Purchase Order (855) in EDI


This wiki will show the user how to create a Reverse Purchase Order (transaction set # 855 -- a request generated by sellers in order to cancel a previous purchase order) in the EDI subsystem.



Step 1: Create the reverse PO

Go to:

  • EDI
  • EDI Transaction Sets
  • 855 Reverse Purchase Order
  • Create New Reverse PO from EDI PO
In the EDI PO selection screen, check off the POs that need to be modified (under the 'b' column) before clicking on "OK"

Fill in the rest of the information as it is necessary for the PO that needs to be reversed, including:

  • When the PO was created (PO Date - defaulted to the current date)
  • When the PO was requested to be shipped (Requested Ship Date)
  • When the PO was to be cancelled (Cancel Date)

As well as:

  • For which department was the PO issued (Dept.)
  • For which shipping destination (Ship To)
  • For which billing location (Bill To).

Select an acknowledgement type to send for the reverse purchase order (Acknowledgement Type) -- Does the PO need to be changed completely? Does the PO need to have detail added in? Does the PO need to be rejected? (Det = Detail/Chg = Change)

Backordering items:

  • To back order certain quantities and the date that the items will be shipped, select the option "Back Order" and enter the backordered quantitity.
  • The requested quantity to automatically update to the units entered in the backordered quantity with a negative sign.


Note: If you enter a quantity less than the original quantity and do not insert a checkmark under "Back Order", the remaining quantity will be considered rejected by the Trading Partner.

When the necessary modifications have been made, click on "Update".


Step 2: Sending the reverse PO

Now, to send the reverse purchase order as an EDI transmission, go to:

  • EDI Transaction Sets
  • 855 Reverse Purchase Order
  • Generate EDI Reverse PO(855)

In the EDI Reverse PO selection screen, select the POs that need to be generated.

You will then be brought back to the main EDI menu.


Sending the file

After it has finished processing, proceed with a send mail to send the file to the Trading Partner.

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