Follow-up Notes Feature

Follow-up Notes Feature


The following wiki provides an explanation on how to use the follow-up notes feature in JAS.  These modules each have the Follow-Up Notes feature:
 - Vendors
 - Styles
 - Customers
Follow-Up notes provide a method of keeping track of important information by entry date and the date scheduled for follow-up for a particular Vendor, Style and/or Customer.  
These follow-up notes are not part of the standard Notepad feature.

Follow-Up notes functionality and features

No matter which JAS module is being used for follow-up notes, the functionality of the feature is the same.

These notes can be created, maintained and/or deleted from the Add/Change menu function of each module. 

These notes can also be viewed from the Inquiry menu function of each module.

Creating a new Follow-Up Note




No matter which notes are being created, a blank Follow-Up notes screen will look like this:

Clicking the Add button at the bottom of the screen will create a new follow-up note line. 

The current date will be used for the "Entry Date" but the "Follow-up Date" and the "Title" must be filled by the user.

The "Memo" field is the area used to enter the actual notes, comments, reminders, etc. that need to be tracked.

Be sure to click the Update button at the bottom of that screen to save the new entry.

Follow-up notes in the Customer File

Customer Add/Change

In the main JAS menu, go to:

  • Customers
  • Maintenance
  • Add/Change

Click the button labelled Follow-Up to access this feature.

The follow-up screen is used to allow for credit managers and customer service personnel to enter notes and reminders about calls to clients.  This is useful for collection and credit management purposes.

Follow-up in Customer Inquiry

In the main JAS menu, go to:

  • Customers
  • Inquiry
  • Follow-Up Inquiry


In the main JAS menu, go to:

  • A/R
  • Inquiry
  • Follow-Up Inquire

Unlike the Follow Up screen in "Customer Add/Change," this screen displays all follow up notes for all accounts.

The user can display only their notes, or all notes, by selecting "All Users" or "Current User," located at the top right-hand corner.

The street-light icon is a quick way to determine the status of a call.

  • A red light indicates that the follow-up is overdue.
  • A green light indicates that the follow-up has been completed.
  • A yellow light indicates that the follow-up is in the future.

The user is also able to limit the information to Overdue only, Future only, Current only, or Done.

Note: All the user options can be password-protected if required.

When the user selects the "Future" option, a field appears that states "Up to  ¨ DAYS."


By entering the number of days, the screen will display entries for those number of days in the future.

Click on the printer icon to create a hard copy of the information in this inquiry screen, if required.

This option is available regardless if "All," "Overdue," "Future," "Current," "Done," or "Not Done" is selected.

Note: The notes that print are those that do not have a check mark. In this case, only the note "Credit report due" will print, as "update date" has a check mark next to it.

Follow-Up in Vendor Maintenance

In the main JAS menu, go to:

  • P.O.
  • Vendor Maintenance
  • Add/Change/Delete

Select the appropriate vendor. Click on the follow-up button, located at the bottom of the screen.

Follow-Up in Styles  

In the main JAS menu, go to:

  • Styles
  • Maintenance
  • Add/Change

Select the appropriate style. Click on the Follow-Up button, located at the bottom of the screen.

Follow-up Procedures

The "Entry Date" is the date that the note was entered.

The Follow Up date is the date that the user wants to check to see if the action required was completed.

The code in the "ID" column in the entry area comes from the User ID of the individual entering the note.

If a follow-up date is still in the future, the message in the Memo screen will tell the user how many days are left until the follow-up date.

In the follow-up screen, enter a check mark next to the title line when a follow-up has been done. The memo screen will display a message that the "Follow Up is done."

If a follow-up date is surpassed, the dates and notes will display in red, and the message in the memo screen will read, "Overdue Follow Up."

In the top center of the screen, there is an optional note field to enter a general comment.

If there is a check mark inserted in the "restricted" box, those lines will not be displayed when the follow-up screen is called from the standalone icon.

Note: If changes are made but the update button is not pressed before exiting, the modifications will not be saved.

Desktop Follow-up

When the follow-up screen is called directly from a desktop icon, the account number will be requested.

Enter the account number and the follow-up notes for the account will appear.

Setup of Standalone Icons

Two different standalone programs have been created:
1. Allows for update and view of all lines.
2. Allows for inquiry and does not display restricted lines.

Salesrep Icon

The following features are separate from the standard JAS package; please contact Jonar for more information.

Follow Up E-mail Notification

If requested, a follow-up alert program can be added to the follow-up function to alert designated users when they log into JAS.

As an example, this follow-up notes can be used to:
- Notify a user when a style needs to be purchased and the vendor has to replenish stock.
- Keep track of when styles are being received in inventory.
- Make sure that styles are prepared for upcoming shipments.
- Notify customers when specific styles have arrived for re-order, consignments, etc.
- Note: This is an optional feature.  The programs have to be installed and the switches have to be activated by Jonar staff.


In the JAS main men, go to:

  • Setup
  • Installation Parameters
  • Email Notification Setup

Select the users that are to be notified when the follow-up notes are due.

Setting up Follow-ups for Specific Users

When the user logs into JAS, a screen will be displayed with 3 viewing options:

  1. All follow-up notes
  2. All overdue notes
  3. Approaching over (1 day)

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