Deleting Styles in JAS

Deleting Styles in JAS


The following wiki explains how to delete styles in JAS. Before deleting styles, all transactions must be purged for these specific styles. It is also highly recommended that this menu option be password protected. Click here to find out how to set up menu access.



Go into:

  • Styles 
  • Maintenance
  • Delete Season/Style


There are several methods available to you:

Only Print A Report Of What Would Be Delete

  • This option allows you to make your selections without actually proceeding with the deletions.  A report will print out for you to analyse before making a final decision.

Delete All That Match Criteria And Print A Report

  • Once you are ready to delete your styles, it is recommended that you use this option, so that you will have a record of the styles that have been deleted.

Delete All That Match Criteria Without A Report

  • This option should only be used if you have not started to use JAS in live functions and a paper trail of deletions is not necessary.

Delete By Style

  • As indicated on the screen, this option will delete the selected styles along with their corresponding colors.  (The color codes will not be deleted from the color file.)

Delete By Style + Color

  • This option will force you to delete each color for each style, one at a time.  This is useful if certain style/colors are still active and others are not.

Delete By Status

  • The Status in the style file can be A for Active or X for cancelled from production.  You can manually change a status to X by modifying the style file.  You can also use the function “Set Flags” in the Style Processing section.  An X in the status field will stop certain functions in JAS, but the style will remain in the Style File. 
  • To delete all styles with an X status, select the option to Delete By Status.

Delete By Season

  • Companies can use this option if they use unique styles for each season and do not reuse the same style codes when the season comes around again.

Delete by Multiple Style Color Selection

  • This option gives the user the ability to delete specific styles all at once.

** Note: When you select any one of the five delete options above, only the corresponding section in the last part of the selection screen will be accessible.**


Once the appropriate selection has been chosen, click on "Proceed" to continue.

Any styles that are being used by transactions or other data will not be allowed to be deleted.  A report listing the undeleted styles will print.

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