Changing a GL account number in JSI and its history

Changing a GL account number in JSI and its history

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction

  2. Setup


The following document explains how to change a GL account number in JSI. It is important to note that  this function will run though ALL the files that have these existing numbers which includes the bridge in JAS. For this reason, ALL users must be out of both JAS and JSI to run this program.

Note: Accounts must remain in the same GL category. If it must be moved from one category to another a new account must be made and a journal entry created to move the value from one account to the other.


In JSI go to:

  • Ledger

  • Account File Add / Modify / Delete

Enter the original account number that needs to be changed.

Click on "Change Account #".

A message will appear to inform you that all users must be out of the system when this option is used.

If all users are out of JSI click on "Continue".

Enter the new account number and hit enter on your keyboard.

If the description needs to be changed, enter the new name for that account.  If the name remains the same, press enter on your keyboard. Click on "Proceed" once completed.

A message will appear once the program has finished.

All past, current and future transactions in the system have now been changed to the new account number/description.

The 'old' account number is available to be reused.

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